All About me, Myself and I

I'm Pepper the Party Poodle, though sometimes too, the Pesky Poodle.

Mostly, I am a wonderful mini poodle and I love people and all dogs and just want to visit with everyone.  I do have some traits that could use some work too.

I was born in Orange County California on June 21, 2002.  She picked me and took me to my new home in Newport Beach when I was six weeks old.  I fit in the palm of her hand.  I lived there for 5 years and then she and I moved to Costa Mesa.  After a few more years we headed North to Washington and we all have lived in Winzama since 2009. 

I like it here but what I miss most is my window where I could sit and watch people and cats go by all day.  But I have a big wooden deck now that I can go out on and bark at deer and humans and their dogs and get toasty too.  I get to go on Walk Walks most every day and we have our daily visit around Bitterbrush to see our neighbors and dogs.  We don't do that too much any more because of problem dogs and gardens.  We walk up to the upper meadow a lot now if Bitterbrush is too busy.  Too bad, I knew everyone and would go up to each house and see who was home.

I like most everything in my life but don't tell anyone as it could spoil my image.

My Duties

Seriously?  You're kidding right?:

  1. Sleep when and where I want, all the time
  2. Go outside when and where I want, at any time.
  3. Pester the humans endlessly for an extra meal or two daily.
  4. Sage is my slave, exercise my rights as master at will.
  5. Enter any house or open door as I please.  It is my right.
  6. Sitting on the back of the couch waiting for my humans to return home.

My Needs

I must get plenty of sleep, normally in a human's bed and under the covers.  Start of the day is coffee (he makes it), then pee and breakfast, mine and Sage's if I can snag it.  By noon I'm usually good to go.  I never get enough food either.  A Walk Walk in the late afternoon, dinner and then we all gather for quality some television time.  I like "Nature" but they have things they watch.

What I like to do

There are a few things I like to do every day:

  1. Sleep when and where I want, much of the time
  2. Go outside when and where I want, at any time.
  3. Go outside on the deck and get toasty, then come back inside and show them how warm I've gotten.  They call it Poodle on Parade.
  4. Walks in the snow.
  5. Bossing Sage around.
  6. Visitors to my home, dogs and humans both.
  7. Play with my toys, squeak um and have them, the humans, chase me with something in my mouth (not food, I meant a toy).

Stuff I do not like

These are not fun:

  1. Grooming, my groomer, going to get groomed.
  2. The vet, any vet, even the good ones.
  3. Car rides are scary; see above.
  4. Getting my paws wet in the rain when going out to pee.  Walking in the rain is OK, especially if it is a Walk Walk.
  5. Google Chat bongs are the worst, but other computer sounds and the smoke detectors.
  6. Being told by them what I should do.
  7. An empty food bowl.  I used to be an on-demand eater but the humans said I was getting fat, 3 pounds over target is not fat I tell you!

A regular Day

My typical day is predictable, much the same and that works for me.  It goes like this:

  • I get up with him first, around 7am.
  • He makes the coffee first.  Sage and I wait for it to make noise.
  • Then it's outside for pee time.  I am quick as what comes next is most important.
  • He feeds us both.  I rush through my meager portion and then try to intimidate Sage to leave his bowl.  Usually he or she will move it out of my reach but sometimes I score another meal.  That silly dog tag acts a a clangor and gives me away.  Now I just do a Kamikaze run, load up in one mouthful to rush for safety under the table to finish off the extra food.
  • Then time for my morning nap, maybe with a human if they are on the couch.  It gets me through the morning.
  • Afternoons are a toss-up but by 5pm, I'm ready for the Walk Walk thing.
  • After the walk, is dinner and maybe some of Sage's too.
  • The evenings are usually couch time, snooze or sleep hopefully with her to snuggle up against as they read or watch TV.
  • Off to bed around 11pm, I bring a baby along while I wait on them, then onto the bed, always under the covers.  They say I have "the paw...and I know how to use it".  The baby never makes it to the bed though.