poodle Pictures

There are many pictures of me. The humans say that I'm hard to capture because I'm black and nappy.  Whatever, they seem to have done OK.  So take a look for yourself. 

Stamp your paw on a pic to make it grow.

Let the good times roll...

Here they are, my humans, with Sage and me.  I am hard to see, story of my life.  This is my family.  We were sitting on the deck while Ray took our family picture.  Ray and Scott were visiting us then from California.

They are pretty good to me and I have to say it is a good life.  I am no longer a city dog.  Sage is my protector as their some nasty animals up here who could mess me up.

I like my sweaters.  I get cold in the winter and this is about the only time I will endure them touching my paws, only when putting on my sweater.  I even help to get my paws through the front leg holes...just to get the touching over sooner if you must know.

This is how I sleep when I get too warm.  It's not so bad when I have been to the dreaded clipper human or in the winter, but when I get too warm, a quick flip and I cool right down.  Of course this is the preferred position for a tummy rub also.  I like those for sure but just do not touch the Poodle Paws, kills off the glow of a tummy rub like nothing else.