All About me, Myself and I

I'm Sage but you know that now. I actually am a local.  I was born and raised here in the Methow unlike my humans.  That happened in 2007, September 8 I think.  I was on the streets of Twin Lakes back then mostly,  once I was old enough.  I had a home, where I was born, but they didn't really have the time for me so I became independent.

A neighbor latched onto me just after my 2nd birthday and got me into Border Collie Rescue to help me get straightened out.  Patrick and Kathryn (Rover's Ranch)  hooked me up my new pair of humans.  That was on August 2, 2009.  It has worked out pretty well since.  They don't get me out as much as I want and was accustomed to and they leave me alone with that poodle...but it works out OK.  The poodle does like to sleep and too!

My Duties

  • Poodle Protection.  I am always with her when she's outside.  I sleep inside when off-duty as the Poodle doesn't need me so much.
  • I pee when the Poodle needs to pee.
  • I bark to help out the Poodle, but my favorite is Jason, the human in big brown rumbling traveling box.  I can hear that truck a mile away, before the Poodle.  That human stops by the doghouse a lot!
  • To chase balls or Frisbees.  I'm very good at it.  I like doing to too!
  • Snow tester.  I taste it and roll in it to be sure it is OK snow.  I like snow more than water.  Both keep me cool.  I get hot shagging those balls thrown far by him with that chucker thing.

Stuff I have

  • I have hundreds of tennis balls and the humans have 3 chuckers, life is good.  Balls stay outside but I sometimes sneak some inside.
  • I have my own door mat.  It tells the visiting humans why I am barking.
  • I have my privacy, like it and have counter measures when others try to spoil it.

What I don't have

  • Balls.  The humans don't play ball near enough.  Frisbee either.
  • The humans have the balls, hundreds of tennis balls and they have the  chuckers, which makes up for my lack of balls.
  • Brains.  Not much sense either, they call me Mr Doofus.  I'm also the Dumb side of the Dumb and Dumber duet with my friend Liberty.
  • Peace.  The pesky poodle and the humans, so demanding of me.

What I don't Like

  • Not Balls.  I Like!  Did I mention that? 
  • Generator.  I really don't like when it starts up.  Worse is the nasty relay in the wall.
  • UPS's.  The scare me and they send off scary magnetic waves that I sense well before the Humans.  They are everywhere in the doghouse.
  • Those round things in the ceiling that shrill when there is smoke or that power thing happening.
  • Car rides I think.  Usually end somewhere and loose my hair or worse...human in white coats are mean to me.

My Day

My typical day is predictable, much the same and that works for me.  It goes like this:

  • I get up when he and the Poodle get up in the morning around 7am.
  • He makes the coffee first.  We wait for it to make noise with those beans.
  • Then it's outside for pee time.  I still get the leash every time as I have been bad once or twice, a story for another time and place.
  • We get breakfast next.  I must protect my food.  The Poodle steals!  But I'm not much on eating anyway.  The human usually picks up my dish so the Poodle won't get any fatter.  I get a chance to eat breakfast at dinner time if I want, no bother, food means little to me.
  • Then a morning nap as the Poodle also does.  Not much until late afternoon, my favorite part of the day.
  • Walk Walk Time...way cool; balls, chucker and a human to operate it.  Around Bitterbrush or up to the meadow, doesn't matter, it's all good!
  • Back home, cool down, drink water and wait for the Poodle to tell the humans it is time for dinner.  Protect the food, especially if I didn't eat that morning.  Did I mention the Poodle is a sneaky thief?  Terrible really.  She tries to be quiet but her necklace gives her away and the human finally make my bowl safe for another meal.
  • TV time before night night usually.  I watch it all if I can stay awake but not interested, it's just background noise to me.
  • Last event of the day is going back on the leash so the Poodle can pee.  Pretty nice that I've thought about it.  I'll stick around awhile longer and ride the wave.

My Door mat

It says this: "Ask not for whom the dog barks... barks for thee".