Effects of Drugs and Prostitution over time.
November, 1979 July, 1980 August, 1980 March, 1981 1982 - Month Unknown  May, 1986 April, 1988 Sometime in 1988 June, 1988 January, 1989
This is a series of arrest photographs of the same individual taken over the course of 9 years 2 months.  Some of the photos were taken at closer time intervals than others.  Hold your mouse pointer on any picture to see the date.  Click on any of the photos to enlarge them.  Note the radical difference between photos 6 & 7, taken less than 2 years apart. Unfortunately, no photos are available prior to the first arrest to see the initial changes.

Based on the concept and work of the Hollywood, FL Police Department and is used with permission.

  El Cajon Drug Court version - Larger images, before-after side-by-side and side-by-side with timeline.
PowerPoint Show - presentation runs in your browser- (unfinished project)


Hollywood, FL Police Department  HPD's Current but not Original Web Page Set

Revised: 12/25/10 Webmaster