A bit of what we have here
- PNWDigital.Net — Current Ham DMR site for the Pacific Northwest
- TRBO.org — The old HAM DMR site before PNWDigital
- PoodleRules.icu — Our first Poodle, “Pepper”, she was our first spice dog, with us for 16+ years
- Sage (deceased 2021), our rescue Border Collie mix, he was a good boy, with us for 14 of his 16 years of life
- Rosemary (Rose) — our red standard Poodle, since 2019
- Thyme (Ty) — our smaller red standard Poodle, since 2021, now fondly known as our “miniature German Wolfhound”
- OTWC.Net — This site, duh
- PullmanWA.icu — The next new place…some day…
These links may open a new tab in your browser
Pages of interest…or Not
- Tempest Weather — All Electronic Weather Station in Mazama, WA
- WeatherUnderground – Tempest station reporting her currently
- Ambient — Account less active
- PNW Weather Watch — Lastest Daily updates by Michael Snyder
- NO7RF — NO7RF (was WB6WUI) Location, NO7RF-R (stale)
- Test My Net — Superior Internet speed and quality testing service
- Locate.What3Words — Great Location Service – Very accurate
- In-N-Out Burger & GPSr — Beginning days of GPS receivers
- *Bertos — Left-handed salute to the Robertos restaurants chain
- Geocaching – Fun hobby, used to do it, but not so much now
- Patriotic Rock — One of the coolest finds on interstate road trip
- My Geo – Stuff we used to do (stale)
- Common Sense, an Obituary — Seems to have disappeared…
- Professional Flow Chart — Gravity at work, in motion, SOS
- WebCam – Highland Meadow
- Just Google It Stupid — Google by the Years
- Foo+Bar — SNAFU — 2 decent methods to describe the same thing
- Humorous — Things you might find to be funny
- Sharp Tools — Not so sharp actually
- Sounds — Not much, different and the folder may grow…
- Libby — Borrow books, audio books and movies from your libraries
- Things to Know — Mom’s remedies and such
- Glen Campbell — Definitely not the singer, now deceased
- YouTube: “Bad Dalia Lama”, “KilroyCafe”, “Demographic Doom”
- Farewell to the Master — pre “The Day The Earth Stood Still”
- Onion Field — 48 Years On, and more
Oddball pages, no Comment
- Evolution — Mugshots of a drugged-out prostitute over time
- None Dare Call it a Conspiracy; Word or text — Oddball…or not?
- Gruesome — probably disturbing; pw protected, also LE only
- Joel Steinberg — child torturer / attorney; very disturbing
The plan is to bring many to most of the old html pages into WordPress. For now, though, the lists above are manyof the links to the old pages. The old index page from 2010 is still available. Sure to be a project in slow motion. Stay tuned but don’t hold your breath!
Contact us at: webmaster@otwc.net
A worthless passion for domains
Why? Not so much any longer, at least not coupled to a comprehensive website. Just odd’s and ends now but been doing it since before the web, before the Internet, maybe from the days of UUCP.
This is it, just odds and ends that should not infuriate the extremes nor drive away the folks in the middle. This is the site right here.
–Another location site of dubious worth.
–Amateur Radio’s DMR activity in the Pacific Northwest.
Website for our first Poodle. Known as Pepper, she was a Poodle Pistol and bitch too. You must have a Poodle to understand that connection. She had her rules.
— Pullman
–Grab a new home as the North Methow Valley exodus is in motion.
The pre 2017 website for DCI and TRBO-6 before that, the early days of Ham DMR in the USA, 2009-2013
An array of stuff, such as it is
The plan is to bring most of the old html pages into WordPress. For now, though, the menu’s above are mostly links to the old pages.
Sure to be a project in slow motion.

–Family walk
- Pepper in the middle
- Back in the days of no leash
- Loved our winters
“Life’s journey is not to arrive at the grave safely in a well preserved body, but rather to skid in sideways, totally worn out, shouting “…holy shit…what a ride!”
Fred Garvin
Character, Saturday Night Live
Actually filched from Eskimo North back in 2000 somthing