Revised: 8-3-2008 If you post your working configuration file, please include a text file with a matching descriptive name. This will allow other users to try to find the closest match to their hardware. It is not recommended that you take any of these ST2 files and write them into your radios. These are meant to be informative and used for comparison to your own file READ from your radio. Side by side, files here can be used to understand how a head, extender or other optional features or implemented or programmed. Please include in your ST2 file name the model number of your radio at a minimum for easy reference. Then use the companion text file to list the hardware and firmware details such as: Model number of main chasis Model number of extender Any Option numbers including the type of head, General or Public Safety & type The more information the better. Include as much narrative detail as possible. I personal have 6 70-0250CWB Low Band, High split 110 watt trunk mount radios and many people in this group also have this popular radio. It comes in many flavors and I hope that it will become well supported here. The RPT files are for programming the Repeater. The included samples work, both the original and my edited file. The edited file allows entry of frequencies below 150 Mhz. while the original does not. One can spend many hours programming and that trail/error method is slow and cumbersome. The work by everyone, if uploaded here will be very helpful to all. Please Email me your configuration files and tell me what works or problems experienced. The more the better for all of us. REMEMBER: always read your radio and save the file and write protect it. It can save you much grief and time later should something go wrong. I strongly suggest that you build your file from your own READ, using any of the files here as a sample. Writing my files may get you results that you do not intend nor want. Ask me how I know all this. Input/suggestions solicited. or -- Mike, WB6WUI,, Costa Mesa, CA and Winthrop, WA