2002       PEPPER      2018

More Poodle Life

12-25-2018:  It's Christmas morning, pretty day, beginning with 11 degrees, now 19.  We are back from our daily walk with Sage.  I have now collected the various web pages of old and have both the Poodle and Sages up here, though not updated as yet.  Still not ready to look through her pictures which are now in 2 directories totaling over 2,400 and 300 more of Pepper and Sage.  Another 125 plus since she left.  Many of her are much better than up currently so it is something that I wish to tackle.

12-3-2018:  It has been 5 days now.  In an effort to collect more pages, images and words from the life of Pepper, this menu page will provide ever more of that.  I suppose to some degree, this is for us more than you.  The poodle would not be impressed.


Other Poodle Presences

  1. Party Poodle - originally published as www.partypoodle.us in June 2016 and now as poodlerules.org until June 2019.  pepper.otwc.net will remain active as long as we are here.
  2. Mr Doofus - originally published in tandem with the Party Poodle but never finished, in time will be updated

If you wish to provide any words, send them to: pepper@otwc.net

D&M Only

 Last revised:  Thursday, December 27, 2018

 Pepper Homepage